Desert of Death (Marib - Sana'a Road)

Desert of Death (Marib - Sana'a Road)
Desert of Death (Marib - Sana'a Road)

Study on the impact of closing main roads in Yemen (Marib-Sanaa Road as a Model)

Musaala Organization for Human Rights launched its own study report on the impact of closing main roads in Yemen (Marib-Sanaa Road as a Model). The study conducted by the organization’s team tracked the sources of the impact of the closure of roads, between Marib and the capital, Sana’a, and also monitored its types and most of the risks to which the residents of Marib Governorate and those displaced there, who number more than two million people, were exposed, in addition to setting a general conclusions and recommendations, regarding dealing with the effects occurring. Humanly, economically, educationally, socially and health wise.

The study comes within the activities Musaala in mobilizing and advocating for human rights issues, the most important of which is freedom of movement and freedom of movement, and coincides with movements being made to open the Marib-Nahm-Sanaa road, carried out by local mediators to open the road, and the local authorities also announced an initiative for this, which he announced on February 22 by the Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Governor of Marib, Major General Sultan Al-Arada, who explained the full readiness to open the roads linking the governorate to neighboring governorates in order to alleviate the suffering of civilians. This study also summarizes the effects of the disruption of the main roads linking Marib Governorate to its geographical surroundings and the dangers of alternative routes on the lives and rights of civilians and displaced people.

The study relied on conducting personal interviews with citizens and displaced people from other districts of Marib Governorate, and displaced people from other governorates. In addition, the report’s authors spoke with local officials in the relevant authorities, such as transportation and health offices, and others. Other interviews were with employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Yemeni Red Crescent, other monitors and humanitarian activists, directors of humanitarian organizations operating within the governorate, and relief and aid workers.

They also met and listened to the suffering of citizens on the roads from many categories, in addition to recording the experiences of drivers, whether those who work in transporting passengers, or driving relief trucks, not to mention a number of drivers who work in trucks transporting goods for merchants with various commercial interests.

You can view the study report in English through the link below:  

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